A bit of background on Sajak's next job:
Sajak has been involved with south Michigan’s Hillsdale College since 2003, serving as vice chairman from 2003-19, when he was promoted to chairman of Hillsdale College's Board of Trustees.
And about Hillsdale College (some excepts from https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hillsdale-college-1776-curriculum-k12-education-conservative-rcna93397:
“For years, Hillsdale College was best known as a conservative Midwestern school that refused federal funding to avoid government regulations. The private Christian college’s Michigan campus features statues of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher and frequently hosts Republican politicians to give speeches.”
“Recently, though, Hillsdale has become more widely known as the go-to resource for conservatives looking to overhaul K-12 education. For some, the college’s name is shorthand for civics lessons that teach children to love America and reject the notion that racism still permeates society.”
“And in Florida, Hillsdale faculty have been tapped to review school curricula and textbooks, lead teacher training sessions and govern a public college. Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is seeking the GOP presidential nomination, cited Hillsdale as he touted ways he’s overhauled education in the state during a speech last month at Moms for Liberty’s national summit.”
“Amid national battles over what children should learn in public schools, Hillsdale is working to export this vision by setting up charter schools in over a dozen states and publicizing its 1776 Curriculum, which emphasizes American exceptionalism.”