Quotes not from Twitter necessarily

Scott Duncan
6 min readFeb 14, 2022


Here is a set of quotes from sources other than Twitter which I came upon during and after that Old Blog posting period.

??? “Harnessing the power of true teams and the ingenuity of the people closest to the problems to delight customers and improve business outcomes.”

??? If it doesn’t work, it isn’t code.

??? Lead with Values; Outcomes follow practices; Practices follow culture; Culture follows values; Valuer trumps flow trumps waste trumps economy of scale

??? Prefer progress over delay for perfect information

??? Prefer trust over control

??? Quality, Productivity, Predictability — words not in the Vs and Ps

??? Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.

??? The first design principle of any safety-critical system must be simplicity. Systems such as Ethernet, which you reference in your letter, are known to be complex, with many hidden failure modes, and so it is a poor choice for use in a safety-critical system.

??? Top management’s main responsibility in an Agile transformation is to fix the culture where Culture = sum of values x behaviors and Behaviors = sum of decisions x actions

Agile101‏ Bit more than start, stop, keep. Also More and Less

Agilemania‏ Agile practices are mostly learned and experienced, not something that you can easily glean from a book or article.

Alan Mulally “Working together always works. It *always* works. Everybody has to be on the team. They have to be interdependent with one another”

Albert Einstein “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new”

Alistair Cockburn “If people in your company all did different things, but instead of arguing over did or didn’t follow some rules, you checked whatever you were doing or discussing against these 3 questions: 1 — are we exchanging information in a generous way? 2 — are we delivering value in slices, frequently? 3 — do we have good feedback loops to get information back? Then I would be really happy with the outcome.” [Scott Seivwright Suggested a fourth one: 4) are we doing anything about acting on the feedback.? Then you have Collaborate, Deliver, Reflect, Improve perhaps?

Allen Holub Agile is easy. The hard part is getting rid of all the stuff that prevents it.

Andy Grammar If you don’t feel like an imposter daily, you’re probably not trying enough new things.

Andy Hunt “’Scaling agile’ always sounds to be like’ scaling small-batch, hand-crafted, artisanal beer.’ You end up with Bud Light.”

Aric Aune‏ “If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.…”

Chris Davies Assign problems to people not people to problems.

Conor Ward Agile isn’t about going faster, it’s about adapting to what you learn with the least possible friction.

Craig Larman “Culture follows structure”

Daria Bagina‏ It’s ok to fail as long as you learn something from it and keep going forward

Donald G. Reinertsen “What unit of measure do you choose? It depends on what audience you’re trying to influence”

Erno Kallio‏ “The best view comes after the hardest climb”

Fredrik Delin‏ “There is no sense in being precise when you don’t even know what you’re talking about”

Giora Morein‏ “Agile is not the Goal! It’s the Path!”

Giora Morein‏ “If we try to hide the small failures that nobody sees them all they see are the large failures we can’t hide”

Giora Morein‏ Meetings are not the problem. You cannot collaborate without meeting

Henrik Kniberg The important thing is not your process, but your process for improving your process.

Irene Rosenfeld-Mondelez “The most important role of a leader is to set a clear direction, be transparent about how to get there and to stay the course.”

Isabella Araripe‏ “Changing practices is one thing. Changing minds is quite another.”

Jeff Patton “We don’t need an accurate document; we need a shared understanding.”

Jerry Weinberg “A crisis is merely the end of an illusion.”

Jesse Fewell‏ #Agile is a direction, not a destination

Jesse Fewell‏ Doing something is the best way to start understanding it.

Jesse Fewell‏ What your followers think of you matters. If you don’t emulate the character traits they want from you, they will only follow you so far.

Jesse Fewell‏ You have as much authority as you want to have.

Jo‏ Stop doing agile. Start being agile. Iterate. Repeat.

Johann Hartmann A great leader enables and empowers others!“

John Maynard Keynes‏ It’s better to be roughly right than precisely wrong.

John von Neumann “There’s no sense in being precise when you don’t even know what you’re talking about.

Jose Cuéllar‏ The backend service will be done until/when the team can confirm value added to customer. “A chair is only finished when someone sits in it”

Julio Muñoz Gallarín‏ “Reducing lean thinking to kanban, queue management and other tools is like reducing a working democracy to voting”

Keff Patton‏ There’s always more to build than you have people, time, or money for. Always.

Ken Blanchard “None of us is as smart as all of us.”

Kent Beck “if someone tries to give you responsibility, only you can decide if you are responsible or if you aren’t”

Klaus Leopold “Trying to speed project schedule by reducing testing is like trying to lose weight by donating blood.”

Kurt Bitner‏ “Never confuse the map with the journey

Lena Ross Use your documentation to support conversations, not replace them.

Łukasz Krzyżek‏ “A tool can be a valuable sevant but a terrible master”

Markus Meixner‏ Outcome, not output!

Markus Meixner Success is not checking a box. Success is having an impact. If you complete all tasks and nothing ever gets better, that’s not success.

Martin Fowler “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand”

Mike Cohn “As ScrumMasters, we should all value being great over being good.”

Mike Cohn (?) Agile works…How do we make it work here?

Philip Mathew‏ Automated quality infrastructure for software development is like the brake/safety system in a car — the better it is, more confident you are to go faster.

Philip Mathew‏ Self-organized team is more deliberate and less automatic or random. Starts with team that can work from idea to implemented product/feature (cross functional) and courage in leadership to stay out, monitor, intervene ONLY when needed.

Practice Agile Solutions‏ The moment an organization shifts focus from measuring business value to measuring employee productivity/ utilization, all the hard work that was gone into Agile transformation will start getting undone as culture of fear will kick in.

R.Jeffries “the trick is never to let [the code] not be working”

Richard Sheridan‏ Forget “I’ll believe it when I see it.” “I’ll see it only when I begin to believe it”.

Sam‏ When Prioritizing, Remember What Is Urgent Is Seldom Important” … reminder from that reactive prioritisation can hamper the team achieving their goals!

Scott Dunn‏ “If we focus on profit over value to customers, we will obtain neither.”

Selena Delesie ‏ “My advice is to stop emphasizing the Agile Transformation process frameworks and start focusing on the company culture and mindsets.”

Sjoerd Druiven‏ “Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.” From Phil Knight’s ‘Shoe Dog’.

Sjoerd Nijland Those who rarely make mistakes are delaying progress.

Stefano Porro‏ If you want to be #Agile, you’d better know that #failing is part of the process of performing

Thomas Green (1927–2006), philosopher of education, said the best question for teachers to ask students in their final course evaluation is: “What did you used to put up with that you won’t put up with anymore now that you’ve taken this course?”

Tom DeMarco ‏ “People don’t adopt a methodology, they adapt it.”

Umar‏ A good Scrum Master is a Lean Thinker. A great Scrum Master is a systemic Thinker.

unknown “If communicating is hard and you recognize that you fail sometimes, you’re probably doing it right.”

Ward Cunnignham (?) “Always be Ready to Ship” http://wiki.c2.com/?AlwaysBeReadyToShip

Winston Churchill Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential” and Eisenhower “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.”



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