You say at the end: “ I deplore that so many people do not fully realize what can Agile bring to their project; this would make our work and our collaboration way easier. Agile could also frighten the people that are conscious of the involvement required to perform the switch. Having to convince collaborators that might not see the benefits right away is a long process. This human factor is always hard to deal with and cannot be underestimated, feelings have to be taken into consideration to make this process as easy as possible.”
Moving to working in an Agile manner is a matter of managing change just as moving from one way of thinking/working is for anything. I don’t find it “too Agile” at all since there is a good bit of rigor around the framework and practices. It is just different rigor than people used to a phased-sequential (i.e., waterfall) way of working are used to working. It requires a different way of thinking about how work could reasonably be performed — the “mindset” change.
So maybe the issue isn’t that it is too Agile. Maybe it is too much of a change for people to accept all at once. Perhaps introducing framework and practice elements a bit at a time would be more comforting? And while that is happening, encourage people to talk, not about “doping” or “being” Agile but that they are “working toward” being Agile.